Location of the viveiro.
Our latest long-term project is a dedicated viveiro (nursery), set up to propagate seeds of a selection of species from the Atlantic Forest and other regions of Brazil. The structure for the first area of the viveiro is now ready.
Our environmental partners Emater Rio and Conexão Mata Atlântica are in touch with various government NGOs to source and secure the supply of seeds for our project. These cannot be donated to us direct, only through our environmental partners.
The objectives and technical outline for our Rare Species Project are available
We welcome environmental partners nationally and internationally to collaborate with our project.
Here is an initial list of the seeds we are purchasing from Atlantic Forest trees that include a number of rare species.
João Pedro Machado, biologist and Marcia Lage will select specific ones for propagation in our Viveiro - Nursery, others will be planted directly in various pastures as part of our reforestation project using the “ muvuca “ technique.
• 2000 seeds x
Nativas Da Mata Atlântica 'Árvores ' (for saplings propagation)
• 300 seeds x
Tibouchina granulosa 'Quaresmeira Rosa'(for sapling propagation)
• 300 seeds x
Tabebuia roseoalba 'Ipê-branco'
• 150 seeds x
Cariniana legalis 'Jequitibá-rosa - Verhelmo' (rare native tree)
• 500 seeds x
Fruta Sabiá Árvore Nativa 'Aroeira Pimenteira' (native tree)
• 100 seeds x
Dalbergia Nigra 'Jacarandá Preto da Bahia'
• 100 seeds x
Rara Árvore Nativa 'Jacarandá Da Bahia Caviúna' (rare native tree)
• 100 seeds x
Tabebuia Chrysotricha 'De Ipê Amarelo Paulista'
• 500 seeds x
Peltophorum dubium 'Canafístula'
• 100 seeds x
Tabebuia Avellanedae 'De Ipê Roxo Comum'(native tree)
• 15 seeds x
Hymenaea Courbaril 'Jatobá, Jataí ' (rate native tree)
• 50 seeds x
Ou Jatobá Nativa 'Jatobá-verdadeiro Jatobazeiro'
• 50 seeds x
Jacaranda cuspidifolia 'Jacarandá de Minas' (native tree)
• 50 seeds x
Erythrina Speciosa 'Mulungu-do-litoral' (for saplings)
Camponamesia phaea 'Cambuci'
Eugenia brasiliense 'Grumixáma'
The seeds will be sourced from
www.plantepassaros.com.br .
Suggested additional wish list to be discussed with our environmental partners. We will make a final decision with their expertise in order to select a number of species to propagate in our viveiro and others in “ muvucas “ directly on various areas of the pasture.
All the native flowering and fruit trees we have selected are not only stunning to look at but also attract a myriad of wildlife.