Reforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - Serra da Beleza

Agro-Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio official environmental agency for the state of Rio de Janeiro

Fauna and Flora
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Celebrating the precious diversity of wildlife in the region.

A natural oasis was created by Cristina over many years. She replanted the borders and banks of the 3 brooks with-different varieties of Arundina graminifolia 'Orquidea Bambú ', three Fern 'Fern', Begonia 'Begonia', tropical foliage , Estrelizia, Anthurium andraenum 'Anthurium', Euterpe edulis 'Palmito Jussara', trees like Timbauchina granulosa 'Quaresmeira', embaúba, Dalbergia nigra  'Jacaranda da Bahia', amidst many others.

The original aim was to stop the erosion of the land in the rainy season and to recreate the natural habit for the birds and wild animals.

The farm manager Alair, in residence for 28 years was guided by her to no longer cut the saplings of sprouting trees in the pasture and areas surrounding the farm house, two farm cottages and outbuildings, a chicken shed, and corral in need of restoration.

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Native orchid and Fern 'Fern'.
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Ant Eater - Tamandua Bandeira- a frequent unexpected visitor during our expeditions to pick wild raspberry on top of the mountains
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Arundina graminifolia 'Orquidea Bambú '
reflected in the natural pool.
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Spectacular tree Ficus carica 'Fig', on the border of one of the brooks.
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Brimeliad 'Bromeliad', grow wild all over the woods in the farm

Anthurium andraenum 'Anthurium', and Strelitzia reginae 'Estrelizia - Bird of paradise', along the border of a brook.
The wildlife sounds at dusk in the farm, cicadas, crickets, birds, last ones to join in the frogs
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Celba speciosa 'Paineira', Spathodea campanulada 'Espatódea - African Tulip Tree', Salvias, red Hibiscus sabdariffa 'Hibisco Vinagreira'.
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Sapucaia in bloom.

Flora Gallery

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Scented roses by the front window
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Old fashioned english roses
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Scented roses outside the verandah
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The pool house - Celba speciosa 'Paineira', and Bouganvillia in bloom
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Native trees framing the roof of the pool house
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Ornamental flower
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Pachystachya trécul 'Embaúba - pioneer tree' leaves , a natural source of compost for other Atlantic Forest trees
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Ornamental Lilly
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Brimeliad 'Bromeliad',
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Fern 'Fern' and Anthurium andraenum 'Anthurium',
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Ginger - ornamental from the Atlantic Forest
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Lirio do Vale , Lilly of the Valley, the tropical version
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Strelitzia reginae 'Estrelizia - Bird of paradise',
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Bouganvillia amidst Jabuticabeiras, a native fruit tree
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Hydrangeas with blue butterfly, Busy Lizzie, Fern 'Fern'.
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Heliconia velloziana 'Helicônia Vermelha' and Anthurium andraenum 'Anthurium',
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Anthurium andraenum 'Anthurium',
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Wild Pineapple with a hovering hummingbird.
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Flowering Sapucaia tree above tropical foliage and flowers
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Wild acacia tree - Acacia polyphylla 'Monjolo',
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Bouganvillia, roses and gardenias
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Spathodea campanulada 'Espatódea - African Tulip Tree', Timbauchina granulosa 'Quaresmeira', in bloom, Sapucaia, Palm tree
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Manaca da Serra highly scented native shrub
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Calliandre dysanthe 'Esponjinha', exotic red flowering shrub
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A cheeky lizard visits
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Cockerel sitting on a Brimeliad 'Bromeliad',

Updated June 2023
Did You Know?

The Atlantic Forest occupies 12% of Brazilian territory and is where the majority of the Brazilian population resides.

It holds the largest biodiversity in the world with a unique variety of 450 species of different trees per hectare.

The Romantic concept of a Tropical Paradise for the Europeans in awe of its abundance of exotic fauna and flora goes back to the 16th century.

Alas it is not well known the fact that this wondrous biodiversity is endangered.

Let's work together to preserve it.