Reforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - Serra da Beleza
Agro-Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio - official environmental agency for the state of Rio de Janeiro
Welcome to Santo Adolfo and our Agro Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio
Agro Restoration Project - Aims and Objectives
Wildlife conservation
Our aim is to regenerate the rich variety of wildlife, birds, insects, animals into a naturally thriving environment - restoring the original Atlantic Forest of the region.
Project director Cristina Carneiro de Mendonça has been successful in forging a partnership with the official conservation agency for the State of Rio de Janeiro
Emater Rio
Technical assistance and environmental guidance is being provided by Emater Rio
The Farm - Environmental Regeneration
Santo Adolfo is a small family farm in the Municipality of Valença, 168 kilometres from Rio de Janeiro and 1 kilometre from Serra da Beleza, a majestic mountain range and part of a designated protected area of natural beauty.
The farm has been divided by Emater Rio in three areas:
Area 1- Sistema Agroflorestal
A selection of native Atlantic Forest trees to include : rare trees, hardwood trees, fruit trees and flowering trees. Some examples are Dalbergia nigra 'Jacaranda da Bahia', Pau Brasil, Cedars, Eritrina 'Eritrina verna', Senna multijuga 'Cássia Aleluia', Goiabeiras, Cambuca, Ingás.
Área 2- Bananeiral
In the marsh area a Musa SP 'Banana Prata' plantation intersperses with Açai, palmito Pupunha, taioba, pumpkin.
Area 3 - Pomar Agroflorestal
A tropical orchard in the area behind the Curral adjacent to 3 natural water springs. A selection of fruit trees to include jambo, jabuticaba, Eugenia brasiliensi Grumixama-preta', a variety of citrus, as well as manioc, maize and Cucurbita pepo 'Pumpkin'.
Cristina Carneiro de Mendonça.
Emater Rio consultants in the Agro Restoration Project- Engenheiro Agrônomo Nelson Pentagna e Engenheiro Florestal Felipe Fernandes.
Environmental concerns
The planting concept includes trails to enable visitors to meander through the Forest , the Tropical Orchard , the Bananeiral experiencing and learning about the native trees and wildlife.
Cristina's vision for her farm is that it will also be a place of education in environmental concerns, engaging with the local community and a destination for old and young alike to learn about their immediate environment. Culinary skills in the making of jams, compotes and jellies from the tropical fruits in the orchard and Bananeiral would be engaging and productive activities for the local people.
Emater Rio has offered to set up workshops in existing outbuildings (in need of restoration) making handicrafts from •Arundina graminifolia 'Orquidea Bambú '
that grows on the farm, much of which was replanted by Cristina on the riverbanks and roadside to counter the effect of soil erosion in the rainy season and create a habitat for wildlife.
Given the long term Anglophile tradition of the family Dr.Angela Robb, a GP from England and one of our committed supporters, has offered to give English lessons to the local community. Angela has taken a TEFL course and received her qualification for this purpose.
Serra da Beleza - Constanza Haydon from Philadelphia, one of the project supporters with Augusto , manager of Fazenda Flambloyant of the Graça Aranha family.
Forest Engeneer Renato de Vasconcelos Barros - consultant of the project Renato is the owner of the Nursery in Valença Viveiro de Mudas the provenance of most of the native trees, fruit trees, flowering trees and ornamentals from the Atlantic Forest.
Renato is holding a bunch of ripe apple
Musa SP 'Banana Prata' planted way back by Cristinas grandmother Dona Nair.
Dr. Angela Robb.
MA Cambridge :MBBChir ( bachelor of surgery and medicine Cambridge)
FRCGP Fellow of Royal College of GP
DRCOG Diploma of Royal College of obstetricians and gynaecologists
LLB ( bachelor of law . University of Central Lancashire. 1st class Hons).
Updated June 2023