Reforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - Serra da Beleza

Agro-Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio - official environmental agency for the state of Rio de Janeiro

The Team, Sponsors and Consultants
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Emater Rio Banana Growers event and the team from the Municipality of Valença. Emater Rio: Felipe Fernandes, Nelson Pentagna. Conexão Mata Atlantica: Amanda and Mariana. Farm manager Alair in blue T-shirt, Cristina wearing yellow and green banana colours.

Technical Consultants
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Emater Rio

Website - http://www.Emater Rio

Engenheiro Florestal Felipe Fernandes
Engenheiro agrônomo Nelson Pentagna
Piaui, liaison with Indios Guarani
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Website -

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Conexão Mata Atlantica

Website -

Mariana Ribeiro Vieira
Técnica Executiva e Eng. Florestal
UEL Valença/Barra do Piral
Tel: (21) 96612-3638
Email: Mariana Ribeiro Vieira
Escritório: (24) 2453-8202

Unidade Executora Local Valença/Barra do Piraí
Official donation of Native Trees

Amanda Reis Karoly
Técnica Executiva
Tel: (24) 98833-0182
Email: Amanda Reis Karoly


Renato de Vasconcelos Barros - Engenheiro Florestal
of Viveiro de mudas de Valença - supplier of native trees
Índios Guarani nursery at Aldeia Sapucaí in Angra dos Reis, supplier of Palmito Jussara
Volunteer and project consultant

Márcia Lage - landscape designer with studies in permaculture and bioconstrutividade at IPEC in Pirenópolis, Goiás.


H B Adediran Olaya .MA Member of the International Coalition for people of African descent.
Katherine Kent Brown from Maryland USA - Historian
The late Constanza Haydon from Philadelphia USA - Art Historian
Haylye Noade -Fashion Entrepreneur - owner of the Boutique Lark Vintage
Aurora and Matt Eastwood Darwin
Clive Errington de Crespigny Eastwood
Giovanna and Michael Steele
Sean and Heloise Wilson - Smith, Hampshire Polo School

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Environmental partners of our project

Felipe Fernandes - Emater Rio, Mariana Ribeiro - Conexão Mata Atlantic, Amanda Karoly - Conexão Mata Atlantica, Renato de Barros - Viveiro de Valença, Cristina Carneiro de Mendonça - Project Director.
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Forester Renato de Vasconcelos Barros.

The Team - Our Sponsors

Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Susan Rodway KC - Desembargadora.
A major sponsor of our project
Breakfast at Santo Adolfo
Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Dr.Angela Robb General Practitioner GP.
A major sponsor of our project
Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Richard Charles Claridge.
CEO of the Rotherwood Group. A great visionary, sponsor of the 200 native trees to be planted in December 2024.

Website -

Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Vera Bocayuva.
Generous sponsor of our project and long term friend of the family.

Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Heloise Wilson - Smith

Website - Hampshire Polo School
Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Amanda Reis Karoly

Biologist with 10 years experience.

Amanda was the major collaborator over the last five in our partnership with Conexão Mata Atlantica, heading the donation of many species of rare native and pioneer native trees for our project.

Amanda's full credentials are available here.

The Team - Our Workers
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Piaui delivering Palmito Jussara from the Guarani Indians.
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Guinho and Alair - The Orchard Pomar Agroflorestal - Mandiocal.
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Helping out with the delivery and planting of Ornamentals from Viveiro de Mudas de Valença: - Renato de Vasconcelos.
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Alair with some members of his team, Botafogo, Zé Mexirica preparing the drainage canal.
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Guinho clearing the marshes prior to planting Musa SP 'Banana Prata'.
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Felipe Fernandes Forest engineer with manager Alair and a member of his team Marcos Henrique.
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Farm Manager Alair with the late Romario and Gilberto, standing at the entrance of the farm, next to Mulungu trees which are a favourite of bees.
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Edmauro and Alair, the farm manager, sorting a delivery of native trees.
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Lindalva Maria Pereira
Hands-on helper of our project and housekeeper.
Ephemeral Brazil Charity

Marcia Lage
Marcia Lage, journalist, plantswoman, landscape designer

Updated April 2023