Aftermath of the fire.
A commitment to double our efforts after a devestating fire
The devestating fire at Serra da Beleza Wednesday 11th of September (see our
News section) which destroyed over 1750 hectaceres of Atlantic Forest has impacted on our project, but has also strengthened our resolve.
We were saved from total destruction by the wind change at the highest point of our neighbours Atlantic Forest - Cavalo Russo - which was inaccessible to the fire engines and the many helicopters hands on from the State of Rio Government and INEA to help put out the fire.
The fire started at our largest bamboo bushes by the roadside, which was home to many wildlife species.
The bamboo after the fire. The area is being left to regenerate naturally.
In spite of this tragic and recent devastating fire, we continue to be totally committed to our environmental endeavours at the farm.
Updated November 2024
Rare orchids that bloom in the spring adjacent to the new area where we are doing the restoration.
Cyrtopodium Glutiniferum 'Orquídea Coleção Rara Native',
Rare green frog with yellow tummy, lives amidst the orchids
New planting starts December
With the tables now replaced, we can look forward to the next exiting stage of our project. This will be the planting of Two hundred native trees from 13 species:
• 10x Cariniana legalis 'Jequitibá-rosa - Verhelmo'
• 30x Paubrasilia echinata 'Pau Brasil'
• 30x Plathymenia reticulate 'Vinhático'
• 35x Cuspidifolia marto 'Jacaranda mimoso'
• 30x Cedrella fissilis 'Cedro rosa'
• 10x Cariniana estrelensis 'Jequitiba branco'
• 5x Anadenanthera colubrina 'Angico'
• 30x Peltophorum dubium 'Canafístula'
• 10x Centrolobium tomentosum 'Araribá'
Sponsored by Richard Claridge.
We are starting our restoration in a completely new area of the farm, above our curral at the top of the pasture adjacent to our neighbour's farm, owned by Fazenda da Beleza.
Provenance Viveiro de Valença Renato de Vasconcelos Barros.
This part of the project has been generously sponsored by Richard Claridge.
Updated November 2024