Reforestation of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil - Serra da Beleza

Agro-Restoration Project in partnership with Emater Rio - official environmental agency for the state of Rio de Janeiro

Cottage Restoration Costs
Ephemeral Brazil charity image
Farm Cottage Project hub headquarters and location for our Botanical Nursery.

Ephemeral Brazil charity image


Materials Reais 3848.15
Labour Reais 1.800
Grand Total
Reais 5 648.15
Ephemeral Brazil charity image

The corral

Materials Reais 3078
Labour Reais 1.500
Grand Total
Reais 4 578.30

Ephemeral Brazil charity image

Builders costing for the Restoration of the farm cottage.
Ephemeral Brazil charity image

The labour cost for the cottage Restoration is Reais 9.500.

Restoration Funding

Ephemeral Brazil is registered for Gift Aid and a donation page is currently being created.

We are looking to secure additional funding for this exciting addition to our forest restoration endeavours.

One of our priorities is to create a botanical nursery at Santo Adolfo parallel to our Agro-Restoration Project.

If you would like to make a donation to help restoration, here are our bank details:

Ephemeral Brazil Ltd
Barclays Bank
Sort code 20-05-12
Account no 03115984
IBAN GB18 BUKB 2005 1203 1159 84

Updated December 2021